Joben, the most famous steam-punk bistro in Europe, where every day the curious eyes can discover new aspects inspired from the Victorian Era, is one of the places that Cluj-Napoca is proud to have. It is so special not only for its unique ideas of …
Winter Events in Cluj 2015
Cluj has enjoyed a great year in 2015, and the fun isn’t over yet! Check out a few Cluj events on what you can do through the end of the year in Cluj-Napoca, the 2015 European Youth Capital. Ice skating, Christmas markets, and concerts are …
Comedy Cluj, a Backpacker’s Opinion
The seventh edition of Comedy Cluj came to an end this Sunday and it is time for us to make up our opinion about the festival. In the ten days of screenings we tasted a few different types of humour and…we loved it! While film …
Transylvania Hostel At the Opening Gala of Comedy Cluj
Comedy Cluj Opening Gala We left our backpacks to rest for the day and we joined the biggest event in town: Comedy Cluj Opening Gala. We walked on the Red Carpet of Florin Piersic’s cinema to be part of the frenzy brought by the festival. …
Cluj events 2015
Cluj events 2015 Here are a few of the major events that are happening this summer in the European Youth Capital Cluj-Napoca. Even if you are here during the week or during dates that we didn’t mention an event in this blog, Cluj never sleeps …
Hidden gems of Transylvania
In order for travelers to have easy access to hidden gems and traditions of Transylvania, every Saturday in May there will be a different day tour going from Transylvania Hostel. All tours can be booked directly at our reception. 2nd of May 2015: Scarisoara …
Spring Superstitions in Transylvania
All people that are at the moment in a Romanian city have seen the main square full of these objects tied with a white and red thread all around – welcome to the month of “martisor”! Generally, girls and women receive these objects (martisor) and …
클루지 여행가를 위한 유용한 팁
여러분이 유럽을 여행하신다면 트란실바니아의 유구한 역사적인 도시! 클루지나포카는 매력적인 관광명소 중 하나입니다. 저희 트란실바니아 호스텔은 아래와 같이 클루지나포카의 다채롭고 흥미로운 관광지를 소개해드립니다. 1. Citadel Hill에 위치한 Pergola를 방문하여 도시의 풍경과 함께 다채로운 와인과 맥주 그리고 커피를 음미해보세요. 2. 구가지의 독특한 풍경을 보고 싶으신가요? Piata Unirii …
Cluj-Napoca – storica capitale della Transilvania
Cluj-Napoca, storica capitale della Transilvania, è una delle mete più affascinanti per chi viaggia in Europa. Ecco alcune imbeccate per il vostro soggiorno a Cluj, suggerite da noi ostellani: 1. Visitate l’altopiano della Citadel Hill ed ammirate – gustando un bicchiere di ottimo vino, un …
在 Romania 旅行的时候
您在Romania旅行的时候应该要来Cluj-Napoca 看一看。Cluj-Napoca/克卢日纳波卡 在Transylvania/特兰西瓦尼亚 是最美丽的地方之一。我们想给你一些建议: 当你欣赏城市的风景是,不妨去Citadel Hill。在Pergola那儿可以品尝红酒,啤酒或是一杯咖啡。 登上天主教堂的顶端领略一下独一无二的Piata Unirii老城区风光 去欧洲东南部最大的植物园之一, 发现它的美。 在Cluj的中世纪风格街道的Bistro Viena, 品尝起司蛋糕和咖啡。 在盐矿(Salt Mines) 参观游乐场和地下池塘。 参观乡村博物馆, 它是罗马尼亚乡村历史建筑的代表。 在Varzarie餐厅尽情的享受 “Steak on a stone” 或者 “Varza a la Cluj” 在卡纸板酒吧遇见当地人和学生们,它有着独特的有纸板设计的家具和装饰。 在招待所的后院可以放松自己,喝一杯茶,咖啡或啤酒。这样对身心实在有益。 看看我们接待处活动板上有哪些今日克鲁日的活动安排。 在中央公园的天鹅湖中向人挑战。 休息一下,在国际剧院或歌剧院感受一些高雅文化。 就在某些角落你可以看见在裁缝塔 最后一些城墙。 药品博物馆是一个体验世纪真实实验室的地方。 亲爱的旅行人,Cluj-Napoca 来自的夏萍祝你们一路平安! Text by Iuliana Pasca (Julie)